Design and create a unique retail space online for single or multiple orders of fine wine. 


Ecommerce: Online Off-license
Duration: 8 weeks
Value: £45,000

Wine Online with a ground breaking new categorisation applied to the luxury brand of fine wines, driving sales by describing the taste; Bright, Smooth, Rounded, Fruity, Mellow, Chunky, Sparkle, with the added Spirited and Brews to cover stock lists. This unique system not only helped to divide the store into sections but enabled an online search that intelligently suggested wines by the customers taste and could even match your wine to your menu. Today many competitors have adopted a similar approach to wine sales following on from our original concept launched at Phillips Newmans Fine Wines stores across London. 

Historically March 2005 – December 2005 

The first step is to get passing trade through the door, but your campaign should go further, you should maximise consumer spending with an effective shelving strategy to increase sales and customer retention, plus eye catching product displays for manufacturers who would like to sell their products in your store. The use of power shelves, 
Accompany your retail store with a functional online presence, using the latest techniques to develop ground breaking ideas, with flexible technology that can empower your local connections and sell Worldwide. Watch your sales dramatically increase with practical apps, useful websites and games to drive new customers, special offers or membership clubs with monthly subscriptions.